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I had never ventured up these steps before.


I've been up and down Yamate-dōri many, many times. But I have never stopped at any of the half a dozen or so intriguing shrines and temples along the way, until this day. Yoyogi-hachimangu has always interested me because you can't see the shrine from the street - just a torii at the top of the stairs.

I had had an inkling that there was a fair amount of space behind the torii, but was still suprised at just how much.

There was an exhibit of an ancient thatched house, which is incredibly difficult to imagine in Tokyo.

Purification station closed
This water cannot cure COVID-19. Try bleach instead.

Also of interest: the purifying water station (there's got to be a better way to express that) was closed due to the quarantine.

Published Apr 16, 2020

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